Jorge López Galería
Valencia, Spain
18 April - 1 June, 2024

Every Building on Avenida Alfonso Ugarte - After Ruscha
Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
27 January - 9 June, 2024

Rencontres internationales Paris / Berlin
30 October - 5 November, 2023 - Paris
9 - 14 April, 2024 - Berlin



The Work of Claudia Joskowicz
April 11, 2024  1-5PM   Wing Lecture Room
Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY



Visiting Artists and Practitioners Series
April 24, 2024 Studio Arts Building
Department of Art, University of Massachusetts - Amherst



2024 Fountainhead Arts Fellowship


The Guggenheim UBS Map Spotlight on Bolivia




Latin American Artists: From 1785 to Now.
Phaidon, with an introduction by Raphael Fonseca

An Incomplete Archive of Activist Art.
Himmer. The Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation. 2 Volumes. Edited by Anjuli Nanda Diamond, George Bolster, and Sara Reisman

Majón, Adhemar. "Claudia Joskowicz presenta dos obras en video que tienen a El Alto como punto de referencia." El Deber, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. May 12, 2022

Gigena, Daniel."El Malba lanza sus muestras virtuales de videoartes y performances."Pagina 12, 25 de septiembre de 2020

Invitation to the "Talk to her" cycle of the Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires (MALBA), in which an artist is invited to choose a work from the Collection to "talk to her." September, 2020

Lema Moreno, Eduardo. "El arte en duelo." Forbes Boliva, Año 1 Nº 10 • February, 2020. P.80-81 

PRŌTOCOLLUM art journal. Dickerbach Kunstverlag Publisher, Berlin. 2018/19

Peña Ospina, Paola.'Contrainformación': una revisión crítica del pasado para proyectar futuros posibles. Revista Arcadia, Oct. 25, 2019

Morales, Sebastián and Juan Fabri. “El cine Boliviano hoy.” Revista Ciencia y Cultura No. 41. Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo.” La Paz, Bolivia April, 2019

Querejazu, Pedro. "Pintura en Bolivia en el siglo XX." 2da. Edición: La Paz, Biblioteca del Bicentenario de Bolivia, 2018

Brizuela, Natalia and Jodi Roberts. "The Matter of Photography in the Americas." Stanford University Press; 1 edition (March 6, 2018)

Altilio, Pilar. "Realidad e ilusión en movimiento" Revista Ñ, Clarín, Buenos Aires. February 23, 2018

Hotchkiss, Sarah. “‘Photography in the Americas’ Yields Much More Than Documentary’.”KQED Arts. February 13, 2018

Palacios, José Miguel. "Claudia Joskowicz: Hay muertos que no hacen ruido." Artishock. December 5, 2017